
Secret Garden

Secret Garden

   I am now in full swing with my decorating and actually have a photo to share! This is a huge accomplishment- I thought I might have to live amongst boxes like someone from “Hoarders” forever!! A few revelations have come my way since I have returned to the world of decorating. First, I have started […]

Decorating Sabbatical

It has been far too long since I have done any blogging, but in all sincerity, I assumed you were all just as overwhelmed as I with the Christmas chaos. Don’t get me wrong, it is still and will always continue to be my favorite time of the year. I tend to put myself into […]

December Birthdays

December Birthdays

The reason for the season is the birth of Jesus Christ! Some of us also have to make plans for other loved ones who have birthdays during this very busy month. My son, husband and mother are all December babies, this leads to a very active schedule beyond the traditional seasonal celebrations. I am always […]

Tree Trimming Time

Tree Trimming Time

Like it or not, the holidays are here!! The rush is not just a line in a well known Christmas jingle, but a very real reality for all of us!! I hope that you all had a moment to share with your loved ones on Thanksgiving and are now in the throes of some serious decorating!! I […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

It’s almost 11:00 on Monday night and I am just settling in for a … not a long winter’s nap!! Anyone else out there decorating til midnight each night? Good for you!! We will be the ones who get to reap the benefits of being proactive come the chaos of Christmas. I have my entire […]

Christmas Decorating Continues!

Christmas Decorating Continues!

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, I am working at a feverish pace to decorate as much as possible before my guests arrive. I spent the entire morning today pulling together a gorgeous dining room table only for my husband to inquire why?- when we just have to remove it all to eat?? Those […]

Decorating Denial?

Decorating Denial?

I wanted to share with you the minimal amount I have accomplished thus far on my Christmas decorating marathon. I share this to help encourage you on your own decorating journey. I am not being coy, I can truly appreciate how daunting the decorating process can be. I literally stood in my garage amidst the […]

Halloween is Done, the Night Was Fun, Now the Real Decorating Has Begun!!!

For many of you out there who are as obsessed with decorating as myself, the real witching hour is here. Yes, that bittersweet love affair with decorating has commenced. I absolutely adore the moment that my husband begins unloading all the Christmas bins from the attic. I truly get giddy with excitement opening each bin […]

Willy Wonka Inspired Edible Wallpaper

Willy Wonka Inspired Edible Wallpaper

It has been far too long since I have blogged and I sincerely apologize for that; however, I am a firm believer that we must embrace those breathtaking moments while we have the opportunity and absolve ourselves of any guilt for putting off the the obligations that can consume our lives. My eldest daughter just […]

Down the Rabbit Hole

I just finished a conversation with a dear friend of mine who continued to express how she felt as if her life was mimicking that of Alice in Wonderland, you know that part where her life is swirling out of control as she drops down the hole. Well, so convinced that she is living a reenactment […]