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A Smile Goes a Long Way

Tragedy struck our community again. In the span of 8 months we have lost three boys to suicide at our local high school. I typically scramble to find all the information I can when something like this happens. I feel that if I can garner enough information, I can compare what that child was suffering […]

Crisp Morning Air Prelude

Crisp Morning Air Prelude

I have the pleasure of walking my son to school every morning. This, being my third child, is still a novelty due to the chaotic morning schedule that has inhibited me from this activity until this year. As I have stated before, I have two in high school now, so I often find myself without […]

Campfire in a Can

I cleaned my house today to one of my favorite artists- Garth Brooks. To be honest, there were songs that literally brought tears to my eyes. His music brings back so many old and fond memories. I sometimes long to recapture those moments that are etched in my memory and resurrected simply by a song. […]

Autumn Picnic

Autumn Picnic

   One of the beautiful things that my family has encountered this year is my two daughters finally being in high school together. Although there are mornings that I wouldn’t necessarily consider this a blessing, primarily it has been a huge bonding for them. They have the same schedule which enables me additional time with […]

Fall's Doorway

Fall’s Doorway

I had somewhat of an epiphany today- wasn’t sure how to interpret it until the day waned on a bit. I was feeling somewhat blue today and had little desire to forge ahead with my autumn decorating. For most of us, this wouldn’t be considered a problem, just put it off for another day right? […]

Fall Friday Night Fun

Fall Friday Night Fun

I am not sure I have ever met anyone who doesn’t love Friday nights. Adult, child, single or married – Friday nights mark the end of a long week and the beginning of the beloved weekend!! For my family, we now have to contend with the high school children wanting to go out to football […]

Hello world!

Welcome to my new Designing an Embellished Life blog.  I just put this up today, so come back soon for more.