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Willy Wonka Inspired Edible Wallpaper

Willy Wonka Inspired Edible Wallpaper

It has been far too long since I have blogged and I sincerely apologize for that; however, I am a firm believer that we must embrace those breathtaking moments while we have the opportunity and absolve ourselves of any guilt for putting off the the obligations that can consume our lives. My eldest daughter just […]

Down the Rabbit Hole

I just finished a conversation with a dear friend of mine who continued to express how she felt as if her life was mimicking that of Alice in Wonderland, you know that part where her life is swirling out of control as she drops down the hole. Well, so convinced that she is living a reenactment […]



Today is a monumental day for me!! I achieved over 300 subscribers on my YouTube channel. This is a major success for me. I wanted to say thank you to all the family, friends and fellow decorating lovers who continue to watch and support me. I started with YouTube on October 10, 2010 thinking that […]

Magic Elixirs

Magic Elixirs

One of my favorite aspects of Halloween is that I can express my outlandish creativity without critique. I have a penchants for all things opulent, yet that doesn’t mean expensive. If there are two pumpkins side by side I will always gravitate toward the one bejeweled or laden in sequins. If you have taken time […]

Halloween Happiness

Halloween Happiness

I have totally embraced Halloween. This weekend was my big decorating kick off!! I am much more of a proponent of whimsical Halloween decorations as opposed to scary and gory. Because I am perpetually creating videos for YouTube, I feel the need to reinvent my decorating design for every holiday. This can pose some visionary […]